She opened the door and ran straight up the stairs to the bedroom. She stopped in the middle of the bedroom and looked around. No form of life. Everything was where she had left it, but no one was there. She hesitated, and for a moment she felt all hope was lost. A light bulb went off and she quickly left the room and ran to the kitchen. She searched around but no form of life was there either. Dishes were still in the sink and food was on the table. "Hello, hello". She cried out, but no answer. She left the kitchen with her head hanging low, walked into the living room and plopped on the couch. She was alone and obviously not happy. She was right back where she started and she would have to rebuild everything from top to bottom. After several minutes she found energy to go back up stairs to her bedroom. She walked over to her desk and opened the drawer. Picked up a brand new red diary and her favorite pen. She sat down at her desk and began writing. She spent an hour in the room at that desk, and soon life filled the house again.